Our Mission
Let’s make all jobs greener for everybody from any sector or background for greening the economy.
Need to know Green Education at school and Colleges PLUS opportunities for Green Skill Building and ESG Training.
Green Professional Training
In addition to regular environment education many new options are also available for New Age Green Education & Training
Green Internships
The best way to explore opportunities for Green Career is to go GREEN INTERSHIPS
Green Upskilling
Everyone can look for mid career changes to Green Jobs through GREEN UPSKILLING
Academic Institutions

We are inviting Academic Institutions to introduce Green Education leading to  Internships  and Placements for Students in Agriculture, Food and Forestry

Academic Institutions can write to us at  mukesh@hellokisan.org and initiate Green Curriculum & Education for their students
Academic Institutions can write to us at  mukesh@hellokisan.org and initiate Green Curriculum & Education for their students
Industry & Businesses

We are inviting Industry & Businesses willing to transition to New Age Green Industry and are faced with many challenges of talented  human resource

Industry & Businesses can write to us at mukesh@hellokisan.org to attract the Green Talent for their present and future Green HR Needs

Industry & Businesses can write to us at mukesh@hellokisan.org to attract the Green Talent for their present and future Green HR Needs


We are inviting Student’s to explore Green Career Opportunities as PLAN B by taking up Green Internships and Green Placements

Students can write to us mukesh@hellokisan.org and make their own green profile for Green Internships and Green Placements
Students can write to us mukesh@hellokisan.org and make their own green profile for Green Internships and Green Placements
Working Professionals

We are inviting Career Professionals looking for mid career changes to Green Jobs

Career Professionals can write to us at mukesh@hellokisan.org and make their own green profile for Green Career Change

Career Professionals can write to us at mukesh@hellokisan.org and make their own green profile for Green Career Change

Our Working

We work together, collaborate with and help others engaged in education, academics, training and placement.

We support our associates personally and professionally, allowing our joint  talents and capabilities to flourish.

We focus  on solving problems to advance this mission and rigorously measure impact to allocate time and resources.

We are committed to enabling the growth of our participants and to provide great talent for our employment partners.

We are very strong on data and believe in honestly sharing it with our associates.

We welcome diverse perspectives, opinions and ideas in pursuing the common goals.